The Museum by Bruno Listopad and Nikola Knežević was published at Faceless: Re-Inventing Privacy Through Subversive Media Strategies
Bruno Listopad and Nikola Knežević wrote an entry The Museum for the publication Faceless: Re-inventing Privacy Through Subversive Media Strategies. Edited by Bogomir Doringer and Brigitte Felderer. Edition Angewandte, De Gruyter, 2018. Order info This entry can be found here.
"I don´t know what you are going to say" by Erik Haggort
Bruno Listopad has been featured as a conversation partner in two publications of the artist Erik Haggort, untitled, 2016, and "I don´t know what you are going to say."Jam Sam Books, 2018. Order info
De hele nacht dansen als redelijke ontsnapping door Lorelinde Verhees
Bruno Listopad's WeberWochen has been featured in article by Lorelinde Verhees at METROPOLIS M, September 13, 2014. More info
Deleuze and Desire: Analysis of The Logic of Sense by Piotrek Świątkowski
Bruno Listopad has been featured in Deleuze and Desire by Piotrek Świątkowski. In Deleuze and Desire, Świątkowski picks up the challenge to provide a commentary to Gille Deleuze's The Logic of Sense. Świątkowski makes use of a broad range of examples, from psychoanalytic case studies to art, literature, and film, and systematically analyzes in an accessible and clear way the impact of the work of psychoanalysts such as Melanie Klein on Deleuze. Leuven University Press, 2015 Order info
Entry for Movement research: Stories and Journeys by Ria Higler
Bruno Listopad wrote an entry for Movement research: Stories and Journeys by Ria Higler's. A publication devoted to her pedagogical research at SNDO School for New Dance Development, Amsterdam University of Arts, 2015. Order info
Entry for ArtEZ Publication Inventing Futures
Bruno Listopad wrote an entry titled Failure is Function for ArtEZ's new publication Inventing Futures. On December 2nd the ArtEZ Master of Choreography celebrated its 11 years with the publication Inventing Futures, doing and thinking artistic research with(in) the Master of Choreography Programme of ArtEZ. In which artists, current and former students, and theorists reflect on themes and notions that have emerged in the program as particularly challenging and productive, namely latency, constraint, collaboration, failure and trust. These are suggested as prisms through which one could think, imagine and invent future(s), in particular for choreography and institutional practice-as-research. ArtEZ Press. Order info
Visionaries of the body. Panorama of contemporary dance theater by Wojciech Klimczyk
Bruno Listopad has been featured in Visionaries of the body. Panorama of contemporary dance theater by the social anthropologist Wojciech Klimczyk. The first Polish publication about contemporary dance. The book looks at the dance roots and its development process, as well as to the links of dance with other art forms, linia teatralna, 2010
No Map for these Territories: Three seasons of research and discourse
Bruno Listopad wrote an entry titled On Choreographic Research for the Danslab publication No Map for these Territories: Three seasons of research and discourse 2010.
Dynamic Composing – On Choreographic Process of Conceptualization as a Way to Artistic Knowing
Bruno Listopad has been featured in Dynamic Composing – On Choreographic Process of Conceptualization as a Way to Artistic Knowing is a dissertation submitted to the Graduate University of Amsterdam in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Arts in Theatre Studies by Anna Peszke Dako, July 2010.
An Open Book Dance is Dialogue, a Dansateliers Publication
Bruno Listopad has been featured in The Emancipation of the Dancer by Laura Karreman and Signature, What Do You Mean? by Annette van Zwoll in An OpenBook Dance is Dialogue (Een Open Boek Dans is Dialogue), Dansateliers Publication, 2010. A publication with articles by Fleur Bokhoven, Merel Heering, Laura Karreman, Jochem Naafs, Annete van Zwoll.
Met het oog op de toeschouwer
Bruno Listopad has been featured in Met het oog op de toeschouwer by Marcelle Schots, Theater Maker 2, March 2010.
Contemporary Choreography: A Critical Reader
Bruno Listopad has been featured in Contemporary Choreography: A Critical Reader by Jo Butterworth and Liesbeth Wildschut, Routledge, 2009.
An attempt at verbalizing and interpreting, bodies, movements, words and images
Bruno Listopad has been featured in An attempt at verbalizing and interpreting, bodies, movements, words and images by Jochem Naafs, Springdance Dialogue, 2008.
De onbeschreven danser van Bruno Listopad
Bruno Listopad has been featured in De onbeschreven danser van Bruno Listopad by Marcelle Schots, Theater Maker 2, March 2008.
Netherlands News
Bruno Listopad has been featured in Netherlands News by Mischa Kroes, Dance International, Summer 2006.
A crystalline vision of the distempered organism
Bruno Listopad has been featured in A crystalline vision of the distempered organism by Mischa Kroes, Kroes Communications Inc., February 2006.
Bruno Listopad, a fearless choreographer
Bruno Listopad has been featured in Bruno Listopad, a fearless choreographer by Mischa Kroes, Kroes Communications Inc,. 2005.
Het chemisch theater van Bruno Listopad
Bruno Listopad has been featured in Het chemisch theater van Bruno Listopad by Gabriel Smeets, Theater Maker, 2004.
Een reddingsboei voor de choreograaf
Bruno Listopad has been featured in Een reddingsboei voor de choreograaf by Gabriel Smeets, Theater Maker, November 2002.
10 Jaar Philip Morris Kunstprijs Muziek, Beeldende Kunst, Dans
Bruno Listopad has been featured in 10 Jaar Philip Morris Kunstprijs Muziek, Beeldende Kunst, Dans by Philip Morritz Finest Selection. Featuring articles by Jan Schipper, Martin van Amerongen, Paul Korenhof, 2001.
Martin Butler en Bruno Listopad Twee wegen naar de toekomst
Bruno Listopad has been featured in Martin Butler en Bruno Listopad Twee wegen naar de toekomst by Mirjam van der Linden, Theater Maker, January 2000.
A dancer´s tale 3
Bruno Listopad has been featured in A dancer´s tale 3 by Eva van Schaik, Dans, December 1997. De gevolgen van Baush, Butho en Forsythe: Niew vormen in de dans by Eva van Schaik, Theater Maker, December, 1997.